Avatar billede run Nybegynder
16. oktober 2001 - 05:28 Der er 1 kommentar

Mystisk Spam

I recently got contacted by a guy claiming that he thought my email server
was used for spam relaying. It is not my own server, but a friends, but what
is mysterious to me is that my domain \"jets.dk\" is showing up in the email
as being which is not correct.
In the spam email is the following:
Received: from jets.dk ([])
Can anybody provide an explanation. Why is showing up as being
jets.dk ?

I have included the entire complaint letter below:

Dear Sirs,

I recently received an MLM e-mail which appears to have possibly originated
from, or been relayed through your system. I believe that sending such
messages is illegal in some countries, and a legitimate c
ompany like yours
probably would not approve of this practice. A copy of the message follows:-

[Possible web URL found in message body -
[\'www.bestcasinoofweb.com/mailbored/man_bg.gif\" height=\"100%\">\'  means
\'www.bestcasinoofweb.com/mailbored/man_bg.gif\" height=\"100%\">\']
[Possible web URL found in message body -
[Possible web URL found in message body -
[Possible web URL found in message body - http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com]
[Possible web URL found in message body -
[Possible web URL found in message body - http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com]
[Possible web URL found in message body -
[Possible web URL found in message body - http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com]
[Possible web URL found in message body -
[Possible web URL found in message body -
[Possible web URL found in message body - http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com]


>Return-Path: <scorpio@bazares.com>
>Received: from pop3.demon.co.uk [] by wymondham.demon.co.uk
with pop3
>(ANTmail1.31) id po0adb926; Mon, 15 Oct 01 19:41 +0100
>Received: from punt-1.mail.demon.net by mailstore for
>          id 1003091890:10:02698:0; Sun, 14 Oct 2001 20:38:10 GMT
>Received: from [] ([]) by punt-1.mail.demon.net
>          id ab1111219; 14 Oct 2001 20:38 GMT
>Received: (from smap@localhost)
>by gateway.bhset.org (8.11.5/8.11.5) id f9EItsx27144
>for <neil@wymondham.demon.co.uk>; Sun, 14 Oct 2001 14:55:54 -0400
>X-Authentication-Warning: gateway.bhset.org: smap set sender to
<scorpio@bazares.com> using -f
>Received: from groupwise.bhset.org( by gateway.bhset.org via
smap (V2.0)
>id xma026867; Sun, 14 Oct 01 14:54:37 -0400
>X-GWIA: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 16:37:08 -0400; jets.dk([])
>Received: from jets.dk
>by bhsmail.baptistoneword.org; Sun, 14 Oct 2001 16:37:08 -0400
>Message-ID: <0000130d4ae4$0000091f$00002cda@undergroundfiles.com>
>To: <bako@altavista.com>
>Cc: <sbeard@marbles.co.uk>, <sbeaton@biv.com>, <cocoa@hotmail.com>,
>  <acehigh4@linear.com>, <74022.2157@linear.com>, <74022.2141@linear.com>,
>  <bnielson@lcs1.com>, <jim_osborne@byucougars.com>, <hot506@hotmail.com>,
>  <dafiek@hotmail.com>, <neil@wymondham.demon.co.uk>,
>  <elena@argolink.net>, <a_porras@linear.com>,
>  <elainemf@yahoo.com>, <duebel@hotmail.com>, <a_popp@linear.com>,
>  <100170.1364@linear.com>, <roxy2222@hotmail.com>,
>  <a_porter60@linear.com>, <bako1@altavista.com>
>From: scorpio@bazares.com
>Subject: i know you can\'t stop                        11482
>Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 04:35:52 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/html;
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
>Status: O
>X-IS-UID: 1003174788
><html><head></head><body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\">
><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"
><tr><td valign=\"top\"> <table width=\"500\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"
cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"
><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><table width=\"500\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"
><tr><td width=\"164\"><img
src=\"http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com/mailbored/man_man.jpg\" width=\"164\"
src=\"http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com/mailbored/man_animated.gif\" width=\"234\"
><br><br><a href=\"http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com\"><img
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height=\"55\" border=\"0\"></a></td></tr></table></td></tr>
><tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"5\"><img
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href=\"http://www.bestcasinoofweb.com\"><img src=\"http://www.bestcasinoofwe
>b.com/mailbored/man_sports.gif\" width=\"131\" height=\"89\"
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height=\"89\" border=\"0\"></a></td><td valign=\"top\" width=\"10\"><img
>gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\"></td><td
valign=\"top\" width=\"224\"><font size=\"-1\" color=\"#000000\" face=\"Verdana,
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></b>The more you play the better chance you have!</font></td>

Avatar billede erp Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 21:33 #1
Hej Run.
Ved en søgning på omtalte ip adresse, fremkommer følgende:
World Communications (NETBLK-WCS-BLCK-1)
  1601 Nw 97 th Ave SJO632
  Miami, Florida 33102

  Netname: WCS-BLCK-1
  Netblock: -
  Maintainer: WCMC

      Gonzales, Roberto  (RG852-ARIN)  rgonzalez@x-peditenetworks.com
      650-9671457 (FAX) 650-9671457

Så hvordan dit domain navn er blevet sat i forbindelse med denne IP adresse vides ikke, men jeg kan med din tilladelse prøve at checke om din mailserver (eller din vens) kan bruges som Relay.
Jeg vil dog ikke prøve før jeg har din tilladelse.
Mvh. Eric. (ERP)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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