Avatar billede britt-erik2 Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:25 Der er 23 kommentarer


Jeg har skulle oversætte et tekst fra dansk til engelsk, men desværre tror jeg den er fyldt med stave, og grammatik fejl.
jeg skal nu bruge en ekspert, eller to, til at rette den.
200 point!

In the year 1820-1932 emigrated more than 300.000 people to America. There could be many reason why, young people felt attracted to leave their country. But they had to make a hard decision. They should say goodbye to their families, which they probably never say again, and they should be prepared on a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they don’t know the language. Most Danes settled down as presents on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 offered the American government free soil to all, how wanted to cultivate the prairie, and 160 acres sounded like a dream, to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jylland. But they had to work very hard in many years, before they began to se the results of their hard work. 
It must have been at very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends and family and far from doctors, schools and towns. Many letters home tells about disappointment, sorrows and homesickness. Some Danes  - specially workmen settled down in the big city’s, but they also had to submit to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse.

På forhånd tak
Avatar billede nomiz Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:27 #1
Lav det dog selv! Det tager kun 10 minutter (ikke end gang) og så har du også sparet 200 point, og evt. lært lidt engelsk...
Avatar billede msmows Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:28 #2
In the year 1820-1932 more than 300.000 people immigrated to America. There could be much reason why, young people felt attracted to leave their country. But they had to make a hard decision. They should say goodbye to their families, which they probably never say again, and they should be prepared on a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they don’t know the language. Most Danes settled down as presents on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 offered the American government free soil to all, how wanted to cultivate the prairie, and 160 acres sounded like a dream, to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jylland. But they had to work very hard in many years, before they began to se the results of their hard work. 
It must have been at very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends and family and far from doctors, schools and towns. Many letters home tells about disappointment, sorrows and homesickness. Some Danes  - especially workmen settled down in the big cities, but they also had to submit to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse.
Avatar billede britt-erik2 Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:29 #3
jeg er træt, og har så lidt lyst, den skal kun rettes for fejl! og det kan jeg heller ikke nu. (fordi jeg er så træt)
Avatar billede Spotgun Seniormester
07. oktober 2001 - 22:29 #4
Mit bud lyder på:

In the year 1820-1932 more than 300.000 people emigrated to America. There could be many reason why young people felt attracted to leave their country, but they had to make a hard decision. They should say goodbye to their families, which they probably never saw again, and they should be prepared on a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they did not know the language. Most Danes settled down as farmers on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 the American government offered free soil to all, who wanted to cultivate the prairie, and 160 acres sounded like a dream to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jutland. But they had to work very hard in many years before they began to see the results of their hard work.
It must have been at very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends and family and far from doctors, schools and towns. Many letters sent home to Denmark tells about the disappointment, sorrows and homesickness the Danish farmers suffered from. Some Danes  - especially the workmen - settled down in the big cities, but they also had to submit to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse.
Avatar billede britt-erik2 Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:30 #5
msmows<<kan du ikke lige fortælle hvilke fejl der var???
Avatar billede msmows Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:30 #6
In the year 1820-1932 more than 300.000 people immigrated to America. There could be much reason why, young people felt attracted to leave their country. But they had to make a hard decision. They should say goodbye to their families, which they probably never would see again, and they should be prepared on a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they did not know the language. Most Danes settled down as presents on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 offered the American government free soil to all, how wanted to cultivate the prairie, and 160 acres sounded like a dream, to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jylland. But they had to work very hard in many years, before they began to see the results of their hard work. 
It must have been at very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends and family and far from doctors, schools and towns. Many letters home tells about disappointment, sorrows and homesickness. Some Danes  - especially workmen settled down in the big cities, but they also had to submit to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse.
Avatar billede britt-erik2 Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:30 #7
Avatar billede msmows Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:32 #8
immigrate to - emmigrate from
probably never say again - probably never would see again
emigrated more than 300.000 people to - more than 300.000 people immigrated to
Avatar billede jakoba Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:33 #9
1820-1932 er mange år, derfor  \'years\'.
1820-1932 er nok lovlig matematisk notation, det nomale menneskesprog ville være  \'from 1820 to 1932\'  eller  \'between 1820 and 1932\'

\"emigrated more than 300.000 people\" forkert orstilling til engelsk. brug istedet \'more than 300.000 people emigrated\'.

det var så første sætning :-))

Lyt efter hvad de siger når du ser engelske film.

mvh JakobA
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:33 #10
In the year 1820-1932 immigrated more than 300.000 people to America. There could be many reasons why, young people felt attracted to leave their country. But they had to make a hard decision. They should say goodbye to their families, which they probably never say again, and they should be prepared on a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they don&#8217;t know the language. Most Danes settled down as presents on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 offered the American government free soil to all, how wanted to cultivate the prairie, and 160 acres sounded like a dream, to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jylland. But they had to work very hard in many years, before they began to se the results of their hard work. 
It must have been at very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends and family and far from doctors, schools and towns. Many letters home tells about disappointment, sorrows and homesickness. Some Danes  - especially workmen settled down in the big cities, but they also had to submit to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse.
Avatar billede Spotgun Seniormester
07. oktober 2001 - 22:34 #11
Hmm... stadig et par små stavefejl... Jeg er sgu vist også for træt til det her :-)

\"...more than 300.000 people emigrated to America...\" skal være: \"...more than 300.000 people emigrated from Denmark to America...\"

\"...There could be many reason why young...\" skal være: \"...There could be many reasons why young...\"

Avatar billede msmows Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:35 #12
specially workmen - especially workmen
they don’t know - they did not know the
Avatar billede beorn Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:37 #13
In the years between 1820-932 more than 300.000 people emigrated to America. There could be many reason why: young people felt attracted to leave their countries. But they had a hard decision to make. They would have leave to their families, Whom they would probably newer see again, and they had to be prepared for a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they did not know the language. Most Danes settled down as peasants on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 the American government offered free soil to all who wanted to cultivate the prairie. And 160 acres sounded like a dream to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jutland. But they had to work very hard in many years before they could begin to see the results of their hard work.  It must have been a  very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends, family and doctors, schools and towns. Many letters sent home tells of disappointment, sorrow and homesickness. Some Danes  - especially workers settled down in the big cities, but they also were submitted to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse


tror jeg...ville dog gerne se den danske tekst for at være sikker...da jeg har rettet nogen af betydningerne rundt omkring.

men håber det hjælper
Avatar billede msmows Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:38 #14
>jakoba  -  \"1820-1932 er mange år, derfor  \'years\'\"
Nej ikke her hvor der siges
\"In the year 1820-1932\", man kan ikke sige \"In the years 1820-1932\"
Avatar billede prodic Mester
07. oktober 2001 - 22:38 #15
håber folk husker at trække vejret inden de læser det, for de sætninger er godt nok lange...
Hint: Punktummer/Opdeling samt ordstilling.
Avatar billede beorn Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:45 #16
Prodic: jeg går ud fra det er til mig...Tja jeg er en nød til at sætte komma,punktum og jeg taler hurtigt. samt jeg kan holde vejret i 2 minutter. så jeg kan godt nå at sige sætningerne...men om en folkeskolelærer kan...tjaa :-)
Avatar billede msmows Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:47 #17
Her er lidt at bruge af: .... ,,,,, ;;;;;  :O)
Avatar billede jakoba Nybegynder
07. oktober 2001 - 22:47 #18
Den svenske forfatter Harry Martinson har forresten skrevet en udemærket bog \'Vägen til klockrike\'. om den emigrationsperiode i Sverige og de årsager og konsekvenser det havde at landet sådan \'mistede det meste af en generation\'.

mvh JakobA
Avatar billede prodic Mester
07. oktober 2001 - 22:48 #19
beorn->Nej det var ikke til dig. Det var til Britt-Erik\'s eget forsøg.
Gad ikke lige læse alle forslagene igennem.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
08. oktober 2001 - 08:16 #20
Fuck du har mange forkerte ordstillinger....

In the year of 1820-1932 more than 300.000 people emigrated to America. There could be many reasons why, young people felt attracted to leave their country. But they had to make a hard decision. They should say goodbye to their families, wich they probably never saw again, and they should be prepared on a long sea journey to New York and an uncertain future in an unknown country, where they didn&#8217;t know the language. Most Danes settled down as presents on the prairie in the Mid West. From 1862 the American government offered free soil to all, who wanted to cultivate the prairie, and 160 acres sounded like a dream, to a poor Danish boy from a little farm in Jutland. But they had to work very hard in many years, before they began to se the results of their hard work. 
It must have been at very lonely life, far from other people, far from friends and family and far from doctors, schools and towns. Many letters home tells about disappointment, sorrows and homesickness. Some Danes  - specially workmen settled down in the big city&#8217;s, but they also had to submit to hardships, overpopulated, unhealthy and dark homes in small streets, where the heat in the summer was unbearable and the cold in the winter was even worse.
Avatar billede tdaugaard Nybegynder
21. oktober 2001 - 16:55 #21
hmm .. mon ik det er lukke tid ?
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
21. oktober 2001 - 18:50 #22
Avatar billede Spotgun Seniormester
13. maj 2003 - 16:22 #23
Lukketid? Du burde vel ha' fået afleveret og returneret din opgave igen? Eller hænger du stadig fast på samme klassetrin? :-)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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