Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
03. september 2001 - 08:49 Der er 7 kommentarer og
1 løsning

amount in kroner

Hi There :)
I am trying to create a little shopping system and it seems to be going ok except that I am tring to get my amount shown to be shown in kroner
for example
If I have the following number
I would like it to be shown like this

I have a funchion that i use that can insert a comma like this
55150,50 but of course this is not optimal
Does any body Have and ideas ?
Avatar billede nordclc Nybegynder
03. september 2001 - 09:00 #1
Prøv at indsætte følgende i toppen af din asp side:

Session.LCID = 1030

Avatar billede eagleeye Praktikant
04. september 2001 - 09:41 #2
You can use FormatNumebr or FormatCurrency:

Kr.<%= FormatNumber(55150.50\",2) %>


<%= FormatCurrency(55150.50,2) %>

The format will be the same as the one set in Regional Settings Currency on the server.
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
04. september 2001 - 10:20 #3
hey guys
nordclc/ I cant seem to get it to work :(

hi eagleeye 
this works fine
<%= FormatCurrency(55150.50,2) %>
however my amount uses commas and not dots this this
<%= FormatCurrency(55150,50,2) %>
then i get an error
I have a function to replace commas like this
    FUNCTION fixComma( theString)
        fixComma = Replace( theString, \",\", \".\" )

but I dont know if this uses to many resouces ?
or if its ok to use
for example:
change the amounts commas to dot
then use FormatCurrency ?
Avatar billede eagleeye Praktikant
04. september 2001 - 10:36 #4
Do you get the amount, from a database?
If so what format is the cell, Currency or number?
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
04. september 2001 - 10:43 #5
eagleeye/ its a number :)
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
04. september 2001 - 10:43 #6
oops :) yes its from a db
Avatar billede eagleeye Praktikant
04. september 2001 - 10:59 #7
Ok if you get the number whit \",\" and not \".\" I thinks you need to convert , to . as you described.

But I was expecting the number/database to seprate with \".\".
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
04. september 2001 - 12:27 #8
ok I will do it like that convert first then use
FormatCurrency after :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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