Avatar billede Nuser2008 Mester
18. februar 2024 - 15:04 Der er 4 kommentarer

Pivot table. Select non-consecutive columns

I would like your help to solve an issue for me:

When I have a wide range of data (in columns, say from A to X) and I only need the values in columns A and X, how can I then avoid to include the whole range of data in the pivot table range? (As is: Range A:Z. Would like: A:A Z:Z).

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards

Avatar billede MaxZpaD Guru
19. februar 2024 - 10:36 #1
I think the only way you can achieve that is to move column Z in your source data so it becomes column B, i.e. adjacent to column A.

I tried a quick poc test where I selected only column A and Z before inserting a pivot table but got an error/a message that it couldn't be processed.
Avatar billede Nuser2008 Mester
19. februar 2024 - 11:51 #2
Thanks, that's also my experience. I hope that MS some day will make the input range more flexible. Large range slows things down and adds only more kb/mb to the file size ..
Avatar billede MaxZpaD Guru
19. februar 2024 - 11:55 #3
Another option is PowerQuery (GetData).
You can select the columns you want before returning them to a pivot table output.
Avatar billede xl-Enthusiast Ekspert
19. februar 2024 - 16:25 #4
Eller du kan bruge: funktionen der på engelsk hedder HSTACK.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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