Hello, I can try to help you with your Photoshop questions.😊
To set the default profile and format in Photoshop, you can follow these steps:
- To set the default profile, go to Edit > Color Settings and select the desired profile from the drop-down menu³. You can also choose a working space for RGB and CMYK images in this dialog box².
- To set the default format, go to Edit > Preferences > File Handling and choose a format from the Image Previews menu. You can also choose Always Save or Ask When Saving from the Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility menu to preserve all Photoshop features when saving files¹.
I hope this helps. 🙃
The answer in Danish for you. Here it is:
For at indstille standardprofilen og formatet i Photoshop kan du følge disse trin:
- For at indstille standardprofilen skal du gå til Rediger > Farveindstillinger og vælge den ønskede profil fra rullemenuen³. Du kan også vælge et arbejdsområde for RGB- og CMYK-billeder i denne dialogboks².
- For at indstille standardformatet skal du gå til Rediger > Indstillinger > Filhåndtering og vælge et format fra menuen Billedforhåndsvisninger. Du kan også vælge Altid gem eller Spørg ved gemning fra menuen Maksimer PSD- og PSB-filkompatibilitet for at bevare alle Photoshop-funktioner, når du gemmer filer¹.
Jeg håber, det hjælper. 🤓
(1) How Do I Change the Default Color Profile in Photoshop?.
https://www.websitebuilderinsider.com/how-do-i-change-the-default-color-profile-in-photoshop/ (2) Work with Photoshop color profiles - Adobe Help Center.
https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/working-with-color-profiles.html (3) File formats in Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Help Center.
https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/file-formats.html (4) How to set correct color profile - Adobe Inc..
https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/how-to-set-correct-color-profile/m-p/8127185(5) Why does the default profile change in PS with every update?.