19. november 2020 - 21:06Der er
7 kommentarer og 2 løsninger
Knap i formular
Jeg har lavet en knap i en formular, der kører en forespørgsel, og nu vil jeg gerne afgrænse den ved, at den tager det cpr. nr. der står i formularen og kun viser poster indeholdende dette cpr. nr. Hvordan gøres dette?
Hi Johnny, a while since I've seen you around, hope your doing well. Its not possible to open a query and applying a filter at the same time. You can use VBA to alter the SQL in the query before opening it, but an easy solution is to make a form which displays the query as a datasheet.
Then instead of using DoCmd.OpenQuery you open the form.
Hej fdata - tak for dit bud. Prøvede lige dit forslag - men jeg får en boks op, hvor jeg skal indtaste CPR -nummeret (som jeg gerne ville have at den selv tog fra feltet...
Min formular hedder sagsoprettelse og feltet CPRnr - så jeg har skrevet følgende kriterie i forespørgslen:
Det er ikke helt det du beder mig om; hvad er det jeg mangler?
The code is assuming that the button you press is on the form containing the field CPRnr. If the field is on a sub form then you need to refer to that.
You could set a breakpoint at the line before DoCmd.... then in the debug window (CTRL+G) Write this followed by enter, to see what the string contains ? "CPR = '" & Me.CPRnr & "'"
Is the field in the table named CPR? If not then you need to change it to the correct name ;-)
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