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16. februar 2020 - 17:42 Der er 9 kommentarer

Can I create a harddrive rack?

I found five old harddrives in a box. I love when I use my things and I do not like when they just laying around.

Is it possible to put all of these in some sort of harddrive rack and use them in my LAN at home for file storage? If so what rack product should I look for? Btw I got an old PC that might be able to use, but the motherboard seems to be dead. I guess I need some sort of motherboard then?

A photo of the harddrives:

As you can see it looks like 3 different types if I am not worng.

What do you think guys, is this possible?
Best regards
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16. februar 2020 - 18:42 #1
It will be a lot easier for us to help you, if you can give us the make, name and serial numbers of your HD's.

You are talking about an "old PC that might be able to use, but the motherboard seems to be dead". Again, you need to tel us the make and name of the motherboard and the operating system on that PC.  Otherwise we'll only be guessing. In most cases people with just a bit of knowledge of this subject will tell you: If it's older than 5 years, forget it.
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16. februar 2020 - 20:50 #2
Thanks for your answer,
I provide a new photo:
Can you see it?
To me I think the interface I am dealing with is
... how ever I might be wrong.

The old computer is older then five years.
So whar do you think guys, is it possible to hook up these drives as network storages in some way?

Best regards
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16. februar 2020 - 21:32 #3
Yes, they seem to be of different formats. You will have problems getting them to work in one cabinet, A quick look at the drives makes me think they are between 12 and 20 years old. Two of them have a capacity of less than my PC from 1999 which had a huge capacity og 20GB. Besides, I would never ever use HDD's that old for your purpose, especially since you can buy a new and much faster and more reliable HDD with a storage capacity of 2TB from DKK 450 and upwards.
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16. februar 2020 - 22:02 #4
You are probably right, but the 3 hard drive that got the same interface, I guess it is called SATA, would it be possible to connect them to a PC with such cable:
Perhaps I can connect all 3 of them with a USB-hub?
And then access them over the network through that PC?
Best regards
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
17. februar 2020 - 08:42 #5
I have 4 sata 3½" discs - and use one at a time to backup, changing between discs just after a backup is done.
takes sata disk 3½" and 2" (mine is at little older, and uses usb3, not wifi)

If you WANT all discs as one big drive, google: sata jbod 3 disc

jbod https://searchstorage.techtarget.com/definition/JBOD
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17. februar 2020 - 18:38 #6
Agree with claes57. What kind of computer do you intend to connect your "rack" to?

As far as I can see you can't use the cable you're linking to in #4. Maybe the package in my link underneath will work, but, no guarantee. And that will only work with one HDD at a time. I would suggest you to take your old HDD-drives to a shop near you and ask them to suggest suitable connection possibilities.


HDD's need power and each USB port can handle 0,5 Amps. That may be just sufficient to get one of your old HDD's starting, but again, no guarantee.
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17. februar 2020 - 18:51 #7
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17. februar 2020 - 18:52 #8
Sorry: "Dette produkt er udgået og kan ikke bestilles"
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17. februar 2020 - 20:19 #9
Hello guys,
Thanks for all advise!
I will let you know if I do some progress.
Best regards
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