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09. februar 2020 - 21:04

My cursor freezes in all my work computers

My cursor freezes in all the computers I use at work, both laptops and stationaries. I have 2 work laptops and at work I can use different stationary computers . I think it is very weird that I experience my cursor freezing in the computers I use at work but not my private computers. I use Windows 10 in both laptops my own and my work laptops. The stationary computers used windows 7.  I have to switch off the computer when the cursor freezes. There is no other way out.
The sign in to the stationary computers is done via Microsoft directory account.
Could it be that I am being monitored by the It department? If yes, what can they see? Only the name of the documents or also what you write in the document?
It is legal to monitor employees? It is a public institution.
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