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13. november 2019 - 08:51 Der er 5 kommentarer og
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Will I harm my laptop with this AC-adapter?

Hello Guys,
I got an old laptop Compaq 6910p but it seems like I have lost the AC-adapter.

However I found a much bigger adapter to another laptop, the size is at least twice bigger. But the socket in the Compaq and the plug do fit.




I have not dared to pug it into the wall yet. But if the plug fit does that mean that the gadgets should be compatible?

What do you think guys do I risk to harm my old Compaq, it is the last computer with a CD-reader I got.

Best regards
Avatar billede mash Mester
13. november 2019 - 10:51 #1
It needs to be 19 volts and at least 4.74 amps for that laptop, there must be a sticker on the PSU you want to use with info on volts and amps, it must be 19 volts, any amps over 4.74 will work.
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13. november 2019 - 13:42 #2
Hello Mash,
Thanks for your reply.
I thought so too that it should be mentioned on the adapter, but I can actually not see that info. On the backside, there is this info, of course, written in text that is impossible to see without a microscope.

Best regards
Avatar billede mash Mester
13. november 2019 - 15:26 #3
the picture is out of focus, i can see its a 9.5 amp but the volts i cant see it looks like 15 or 19, where is the psu from ? maybe we can get the volts from the spec.
Avatar billede mash Mester
13. november 2019 - 15:31 #4
iam almost sure it is 19 volts, used ohms law to calc. the volt, as its 180 watts and 9.5 amps it must be 19 volts, but better safe than sorry :)
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13. november 2019 - 15:36 #5
Hell Mash,
Thanks for your help, I took a new picture and I can see that it says 19V.
Then it sounds that it will be compatible with the laptop, right?

Could it be so easy that if the plug fits into the socket then it is compatible?
It would be great if it is that bulletproof for dummies like me.

Best regards
Avatar billede mash Mester
13. november 2019 - 15:44 #6
yes it should work with your labtop.

sadly the plug size has nothing to do with the volts, many diff. psu use the same plug at any volts thay want :)
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