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30. september 2018 - 08:31 Der er 4 kommentarer og
1 løsning

php js kontakt form problem

Hej jeg har købt en template så går i står i kontaktformen ved at den skriver please wait og ikke går videre er det nogen der evt. hurtigt kan se problemet? på forhånd tak.
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<title>Beardz - A Barbershop HTML5 Template by DotRex</title>

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                            <a href="#tab-home">Forside</a>
                            <a href="#tab-about">Om os</a>
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        <!-- NOTES:
        - The elements of all pages (with the exception of the blog) are in this same document. They are organized by tabs through the isotope plugin.

        - The elements are not necessarily in order. For example: you can see some elements of home at the bottom of the page. This happens to improve the final visual organization.

        - You can define the tab where the element will be displayed through the classes (tab-home, tab-about, tab-contact, etc). The class must be the same as defined in the menu link (for example: on <a href="#tab-home"> Home </a> the corresponding class of element is "tab-home".


        <div class="isotope-filter blockz-wrapper" id="isotope-filter">

      <!-- ======== Block: Hero Image | Shows on: Home ======== -->
            <div class="blockz-element tab-home">
                <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
                    <!-- content -->
                    <div class="blockz-element-content">

                        <!-- Content: Hero Image -->
            <div class="blockz-intro active" id="intro-item1" style="background-image: url('img/intro.jpg');">
              <!-- Carousel Item Mask -->
              <div class="blockz-intro-mask">
                <div class="blockz-intro-content">
                  <div class="blockz-intro-bar"><img src="img/ico-razor.png" alt=""></div>
                  <!-- Hero Title -->
                  <h2 class="blockz-intro-title">Gents Barbershop</h2>
                  <!-- /Hero Title -->                 
                  <!-- Hero Text -->
                  <p class="blockz-intro-title2">15 års erfaring i faget </p>
                  <!-- /Hero Text -->
              <!-- Item Mask -->
            <!-- /Content: Hero Image -->

                    <!-- /content -->
            <!-- ======== /Block: Hero Image  ======== -->   

      <!-- ======== Block: Big Content | Shows on: Home  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element size-2 hsize-2 tab-home">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content with-padding with-border">

            <!-- Content: Overlayz -->
            <div class="blockz-overlayz blockz-overlayz-style1 blockz-overlayz-big" style="background-image: url('img/featured.jpg');">
              <div class="blockz-overlayz-mask">
                <!-- Overlayz Content -->
                <div class="blockz-overlayz-content">
                  <h3 class="blockz-overlayz-title">"<strong>Modernity</strong> and <strong>elegance</strong> in one place!"</h3>
                  <div class="blockz-overlayz-text">Beardz. 518 Avenue Amet, Los Angeles - CA<br/>Since <strong>1956</strong></div>
                <!-- /Overlayz Content -->             
            <!-- /Content: Overlayz -->
          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Blocl: Big Content ======== -->

      <!-- ======== Block: About Text  | Shows on: About  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-about size-2 hsize-2">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding with-big-text">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <div class="blockz-block-title">Om os</div>
            <p>Kale chips hell of <strong>portland meggings</strong>, farm-to-table authentic subway tile. Keffiyeh tote bag hot chicken 90's, ramps freegan microdosing pour-over mumblecore quinoa lomo pinterest <strong>chicharrones readymade try-hard</strong>. Single-origin coffee hella mustache gastropub, ennui dreamcatcher pop-up tote bag vice. Squid artisan pork belly neutra, wayfarers <i>PBR&B banh mi tousled</i>. Godard fixie ugh asymmetrical, beard deep v green juice gastropub celiac. Chicharrones iPhone yr chartreuse tattooed, XOXO listicle austin bicycle rights. <strong>Bicycle rights flexitarian plaid church-key single-origin coffee.</strong></p>

            <a href="#tab-contact" class="btn btn-default btn-rayen isotope-link" data-text="Let's Go!"><span>Kontakt os <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i></span></a>

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== -->

      <!-- ======== Block: Image | Shows on: Home / Gallery  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-home tab-gallery size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/1.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/1.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== --> 

      <!-- ======== Block: Team Member | Shows on: About  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-about size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">
            <!-- Content: Overlayz -->
            <div class="blockz-overlayz blockz-overlayz-style3" style="background-image: url('img/team1.jpg');">
              <div class="blockz-overlayz-mask">
                <!-- Overlayz Content -->
                <div class="blockz-overlayz-content">
                  <h3 class="blockz-overlayz-title">Crag Rex</h3>
                  <div class="blockz-overlayz-text">Beard Stilyst</div>
                <!-- /Overlayz Content -->             
            <!-- /Content: Overlayz -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Team Member ======== --> 

      <!-- ======== Block: Image | Shows on: About / Gallery  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-about tab-gallery size-1 hsize-2">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/4.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/4.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== -->     

      <!-- ======== Block: Services  | Shows on: Home / Services ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element size-1 hsize-1 tab-home tab-services">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- content -->
            <div class="blockz-block-title">Services</div>

            <!-- Content: Service -->
            <div class="blockz-service">
              <div class="blockz-service-ico">
                <img src="img/ico-services2.png" alt="">
              <div class="blockz-service-content">
                <h2 class="blockz-service-title">Beard Shaving</h2>
                <p>Ethical lo-fi meh fam, polaroid pop-up venmo poutine actually godard fixie tumblr.</p>
              <!-- /Content: Service -->

            <!-- /content -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Services ======== -->       

      <!-- ======== Block: Image | Shows on: About / Services / Gallery ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-about tab-services tab-gallery size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/7.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/7.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== --> 

      <!-- ======== Block: Opening hours  | Shows on: Home / About ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element size-1 hsize-1 tab-home tab-about">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- content -->
            <div class="blockz-block-title">Åbningstider</div>
            <dl class="dl-horizontal hours-list">
              <dd>10:00 - 18:00</dd>
              <dd>10:00 - 18:00</dd>
              <dd>10:00 - 18:00</dd>
              <dd>10:00 - 18:00</dd>
              <dd>10:00 - 18:00</dd>
              <dd>9:00 - 15:00</dd>
            <!-- /content -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Opening hours ======== -->

      <!-- ======== Block: Image Home  | Shows on: Home / Gallery ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-home tab-gallery size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/2.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/2.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== --> 

      <!-- ======== Block: Team Member | Shows on: About  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-about size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">
            <!-- Content: Overlayz -->
            <div class="blockz-overlayz blockz-overlayz-style3" style="background-image: url('img/team2.jpg');">
              <div class="blockz-overlayz-mask">
                <!-- Overlayz Content -->
                <div class="blockz-overlayz-content">
                  <h3 class="blockz-overlayz-title">John Lee</h3>
                  <div class="blockz-overlayz-text">Hair Stilyst</div>
                <!-- /Overlayz Content -->             
            <!-- /Content: Overlayz -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Team Member ======== -->   

      <!-- ======== Block: Team Member | Shows on: About  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-about size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">
            <!-- Content: Overlayz -->
            <div class="blockz-overlayz blockz-overlayz-style3" style="background-image: url('img/team3.jpg');">
              <div class="blockz-overlayz-mask">
                <!-- Overlayz Content -->
                <div class="blockz-overlayz-content">
                  <h3 class="blockz-overlayz-title">Lian Thuan</h3>
                  <div class="blockz-overlayz-text">Beard Stilyst</div>
                <!-- /Overlayz Content -->             
            <!-- /Content: Overlayz -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Team Member ======== -->   

      <!-- ======== Block: Services  | Shows on: About  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element size-1 hsize-1 tab-about tab-services">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- content -->
            <div class="blockz-block-title">Services</div>

            <!-- Content: Service -->
            <div class="blockz-service">
              <div class="blockz-service-ico">
                <img src="img/ico-services1.png" alt="">
              <div class="blockz-service-content">
                <h2 class="blockz-service-title">Haircuts</h2>
                <p>Ethical lo-fi meh fam, polaroid pop-up venmo poutine actually godard fixie tumblr.</p>
              <!-- /Content: Service -->

            <!-- /content -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Services ======== -->     

      <!-- ======== Block: Image  | Shows on: Services / Gallery ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-services tab-gallery size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/6.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/6.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== -->         

      <!-- ======== Block: Image  | Shows on: Services / Gallery ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-services tab-gallery size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/5.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/5.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== -->

      <!-- ======== Block: Services  | Shows on: Services  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element size-1 hsize-1 tab-services">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- content -->
            <div class="blockz-block-title">Services</div>

            <!-- Content: Service -->
            <div class="blockz-service">
              <div class="blockz-service-ico">
                <img src="img/ico-services3.png" alt="">
              <div class="blockz-service-content">
                <h2 class="blockz-service-title">Beard Treatment</h2>
                <p>Ethical lo-fi meh fam, polaroid pop-up venmo poutine actually godard fixie tumblr.</p>
              <!-- /Content: Service -->

            <!-- /content -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Services ======== -->       

      <!-- ======== Block: Image  | Shows on: Services / Gallery ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-services tab-gallery size-1 hsize-1">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- Content: Image -->
            <div class="blockz-picture" style="background-image: url('img/gallery/8.jpg');">
              <a href="img/gallery/8.jpg" class="blockz-picture-mask nivobox" data-lightbox-gallery="gallery">
                <div class="blockz-picture-content">
                  <i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i>
            <!-- /Content: Image -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Image ======== -->

      <!-- ======== Block: Services  | Shows on: Services  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element size-1 hsize-1 tab-services">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <!-- content -->
            <div class="blockz-block-title">Services</div>

            <!-- Content: Service -->
            <div class="blockz-service">
              <div class="blockz-service-ico">
                <img src="img/ico-services4.png" alt="">
              <div class="blockz-service-content">
                <h2 class="blockz-service-title">Hair Washing</h2>
                <p>Ethical lo-fi meh fam, polaroid pop-up venmo poutine actually godard fixie tumblr.</p>
              <!-- /Content: Service -->

            <!-- /content -->

          <!-- /content -->
      <!-- ======== /Block: Services ======== -->

      <!-- ======== Block: About Text  | Shows on: Prices  ======== -->
      <div class="blockz-element tab-prices size-2 hsize-2">
        <div class="blockz-element-wrapper with-padding with-big-text">
          <!-- content -->
          <div class="blockz-element-content">

            <h2 class="blockz-block-title">Priser</h2>
            <ul class="blockz-price-list">
              <!-- item -->
                <!-- item title -->
                <div class="blockz-price-title">
                  <!-- item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-name">
                    <span>Hair Trim</span>
                  <!-- /item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-dots"></div>
                  <!-- item price -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-price">
                  <!-- /item price -->
                <!-- /item title -->
                <!-- item description -->
                <div class="blockz-price-description">
                  <p>Here is the description of the item.</p>
                <!-- /item description -->
              <!-- /item -->
              <!-- item -->
                <!-- item title -->
                <div class="blockz-price-title">
                  <!-- item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-name">
                    <span>Beard Trim</span>
                  <!-- /item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-dots"></div>
                  <!-- item price -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-price">
                  <!-- /item price -->
                <!-- /item title -->
                <!-- item description -->
                <div class="blockz-price-description">
                  <p>Here is the description of the item.</p>
                <!-- /item description -->
              <!-- /item -->
              <!-- item -->
                <!-- item title -->
                <div class="blockz-price-title">
                  <!-- item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-name">
                    <span>Special Bear Treatment</span>
                  <!-- /item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-dots"></div>
                  <!-- item price -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-price">
                  <!-- /item price -->
                <!-- /item title -->
                <!-- item description -->
                <div class="blockz-price-description">
                  <p>Here is the description of the item.</p>
                <!-- /item description -->
              <!-- /item -->
              <!-- item -->
                <!-- item title -->
                <div class="blockz-price-title">
                  <!-- item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-name">
                    <span>Complete Treatment</span>
                  <!-- /item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-dots"></div>
                  <!-- item price -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-price">
                  <!-- /item price -->
                <!-- /item title -->
                <!-- item description -->
                <div class="blockz-price-description">
                  <p>Here is the description of the item.</p>
                <!-- /item description -->
              <!-- /item -->
              <!-- item -->
                <!-- item title -->
                <div class="blockz-price-title">
                  <!-- item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-name">
                    <span>Special Hair Treatment</span>
                  <!-- /item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-dots"></div>
                  <!-- item price -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-price">
                  <!-- /item price -->
                <!-- /item title -->
                <!-- item description -->
                <div class="blockz-price-description">
                  <p>Here is the description of the item.</p>
                <!-- /item description -->
              <!-- /item -->
              <!-- item -->
                <!-- item title -->
                <div class="blockz-price-title">
                  <!-- item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-name">
                    <span>Hair Wash</span>
                  <!-- /item name -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-dots"></div>
                  <!-- item price -->
                  <div class="blockz-price-price">
                  <!-- /item price -->
                <!-- /item title -->
                <!-- item description -->
                <div class="blockz-price-description">
                  <p>Here is the description of the item.</p>
                <!-- /item description -->
              <!-- /item -->


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            <h2 class="blockz-block-title">Kontaktoplysninger</h2>

            <p>+45 2711 3221</p>


            <p>Godthåbsvej 209 2720 Vanløse</p>             

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Avatar billede stjans Guru
30. september 2018 - 08:54 #1
Et helt vildt og umiddelbart gæt kan være, at du mangler en API key til brug for google maps.
Avatar billede php Novice
30. september 2018 - 09:16 #2
det er ikke google maps det er contact form jeg snakker om
Avatar billede Slater Ekspert
30. september 2018 - 11:24 #3
Hvis den ser korrekt ud og problemet er at den loader for evigt, så er problemet enten i PHP eller Javascript, så det hjælper intet at du kun viser os HTML'en.

Har du tjekket konsollen i browseren for om serveren svarer korrekt?
Avatar billede php Novice
30. september 2018 - 12:03 #4
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  stream_socket_enable_crypto() [<a href='http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-socket-enable-crypto'>function.stream-socket-enable-crypto</a>]: Peer certificate CN=`*.unoeuro.com' did not match expected CN=`localhost' in <b>/var/www/domæne.dk/public_html/test/php/php-mailer/class.smtp.php</b> on line <b>368</b><br />

det her kommer frem i contact-form.php?
Avatar billede php Novice
30. september 2018 - 12:30 #5
jeg fandt selv ud af hvad problemet var så derfor lukker jeg
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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