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26. marts 2018 - 16:20 Der er 4 kommentarer

News phone looses wifi connection

Hello guys!
Just bought a Sony Xperia xa2 but I have trouble with my wifi conncetion. First  it connect, but after a while it looses the conncetion.
My old  Sony Xperia v does not have  this problem.
Do you got an ideas?
PS my wifi consists of a router and a extender. The problem seems  to only occur when I try to connect to the extender.
Best regards
Avatar billede CRKrogh Ekspert
26. marts 2018 - 18:26 #1
Are you 110% that your extender remains connected to your router?

I have e TPlink that needs to be reconnected from time to time...
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26. marts 2018 - 20:19 #2
Hello, thanks for your reply.
I have nerver experience this before with snygg other device.
Like my old phone has always remain connected.
Best regards
Avatar billede CRKrogh Ekspert
26. marts 2018 - 20:22 #3
Yeah, but that's excactly what might fool you. Let's say that WiFi connectivity is a bit better on the old one, meaning that it doesn't really need the extender to be able to utilize the router - then you'd never notice if the extender drops out from time to time.
This will of course be very visible if the extender becomes your main accesspoint to the internet.
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09. april 2018 - 19:33 #4
Hello again!
First I need to clearify that my extender is my main accespoint. You was so right, sorry I didaktik not Madeleine that clear.
I have donera som progress, but the phone still looses the conncetion from timeout to time.
My router hands out the ip:s, The extender seems to hand out virtual mac-adress. How ever when I marken The to be reservera I fel that it workshop twice as good. But problem still remains.
Best regards.
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