21. februar 2018 - 14:51Der er
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Access / flere brugere
jeg ar oprettet en database i Access 2016 som flere bruger på samme tid når bruger nr 2 åbner kommer nedenstående meddeles
hvis brugeren klikker 10 gange forsvinder meddelsen brugeren skal kun slå op
When attempting to open a database object in Design view, or when trying to save design changes to a database object, you may encounter this error message. Access requires an exclusive lock on the database to make design changes on some object types, since other users may attempt to use the objects. This error indicates that Access has not obtained an exclusive lock on the database. If you change the name of a table, or its field definitions, while someone has the table open, this will result in a serious error for the other user. Therefore, you must have exclusive access to the database while you attempt to update the object. When you release your exclusive lock, other users will again be allowed to use the database. It is recommended you implement source code control for development efforts by using the Microsoft Visual Source Safe Add-in for Microsoft Access. As an alternative, you could distribute local working copies of the database to each developer.
Med forbehold for kendskab til access 2016, kunne "attempting to open a database object in Design view" indikere at databasen ikke er delt op i en front end og en backend. Det er en fejl - såsnart en database bruges administrativt skal den deles op. Frontend er den del som brugerne eller dig åbner - backenden er tabellerne og relationer i en særskilt fil (på netværket) Udover ikke at blive låst til ikke at kunne udvikler på databaseappen, hvis en anden bruger har åbnet den, er det også sikrere - bare et eksempel på en ENKELT ting, så kan man ikke komme til at slette en tabel i tabller fanen eller hvad det hedder i access 2016. Glem det med sourcesafe - noget gammelt fis at fyre af fra MS side - de er selv gået over til at bruge Git Lær at bruge Git - det got! Nogle gange har du måske taget en kopi af en database for hvis nu??? Git er versionering af backup'er, som udgangspunkt af en mappe (med undermapper - konfigurerbart i .gitignore)
jeg har ikke delt databasen - men kan se at det er det der skal til tager en kopi hverdag og ligger ud på fælle drevet.
Jeg har et spørgsmål til når man har delt databasen, bliver FE kopieret over på den enkeltes egen drev ? eller køre alle på samme FE base - bliver problemet i så fald ikke det samme ?
hello Terry, sorry for my late reply I had to leave early yesterday i did not split up the base in front end-and back-end, but i will try to do so today and see if it will solve the problems
Hi Per I'm more interested in this question "The message seems to indicate that you are trying to make design changes to the dB at the same time as other users are using it. Is that correct?"
I'm trying to find out when the error occurs, is it happening when you try and make design changes?
I've worked with Access for a number of years and unless MS have made some changes to 2016 which I am unaware of, then it should NOT be necessary to split the dB into FE/BE to be able to work in a multi user environment. Its best to split the dB into FE/BE for a number of reasons and will probably solve your issues, but it would be nice to know if the problem could be solved without having to do so.
Hi terry I am working with different small bases all with multiple users. they have been running fine without any problems at all. I did not make any restrictions on the previous bases but on the last version i made a "start" page and did hide the navigation pane. I allowed the users to look in queries and I thought that the problems were due to one of the those reasons I have in the past month kept the original in my own drive and made a copy of that base and made it available when I had some updates – I see now that that could also be one of the problems
As you now might know by now, I am just a happy user of Assess, learning some of the many features that access has. In the past we used Excel but its not user friendly when you are multiple users. Hope that it can help b.r. Per
Hi Per You will probably need to delete your linked tables and then reconnect giving password when prompted
BR Terry
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