10. juli 2017 - 14:54Der er
10 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Helpfiles Maker
Jeg søger et freeware program der kan lave filer i CHM format der kan hentes fra Access Det gamle Program HelpMaker kan kun køres i Vista så jeg skal have et nyt program
Hej Terry Det program havde jeg opgivet som udueligt i win 10, men nu tager jeg den frem igen Alt virker undtagen det vigtigste Editoren! Jeg kan kun få Notebook frem og den kan jeg ikke bruge. Når jeg trykker på Editor knappen og vælger microsoft operativsystem, så enten skrives hukommelsen er brugt eller maskinen"hænger" Hvordan får jeg en Editor feks Word tilkoblet ???
As I mentioned "Not tried" so dont know much at all about how it works.
Why cant you use Notbook for editing?
Try going to Tools Menu then press the Code Editor button. Then select the Miscellaneous Tab. Here you can choose your own HTML editor, for example Word. Which for Office 2013 is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\WINWORD.EXE"
Nu virker alt men jeg kan ikke få vist billeder Ifølge program instruktionen skal der benyttes et link til billedet når man anvender word som editor Det er en htm fil med UTF-8
Jeg har linket sådan vist på siden : APC\APC_Help\APC2jpg men det virker ikke Linket har den korrekte sti!
Denne side kan ikke åbnes Kontrollér, at webadressen //ieframe.dll/dnserrordiagoff.htm# er korrekt Søg efter dette website på Bing Opdater siden
However, I think that location of image file is one or more folders up from your help project file. In this case you have to add such a file into "Included files" list of your help project and you have to specify a correct relative path (ie. "..\..\APC\APC2jpg"). Microsoft CHM compiler automatically includes only files that are in the same folder or in sub-folders of your help project file.
The original question was "Jeg søger et freeware program der kan lave filer i CHM format der kan hentes fra Access" If Precision Helper can do that then the question is answered ;-)
Each program works differently, so you have to learn how to use it and that's not part of the answer to the original question. You have to do that yourself.
Your obviously learning as your using it "Nu virker alt ..." but bumping into issues underway, that's all part of learning ;-)
If you look at the source for the example help file in Precision Helper, you will see the path for images is for example "../img/welcomeHelper.jpg" So you need to place you images in the img folder which is in the project folder.
And you can find the path to the project folder by moving your mouse over the bottom edge of the main window to the program. Her you will see Current Project: C:\.....
As I mentioned at #1 "Not tried ..." so I dont want to get too involved into how the program works, so it is really up to you from here.
If you need further help then you should open a new question.
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