09. juni 2017 - 18:54Der er
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Manipulere data i access 2007
Jeg har siddet og arbejdet med en mindre database til at styre et lille varelager til en festival.
Tabellerne er oprettede og jeg kan fint indtaste nye varer og få vist status/printe beholdning osv.
Mit spørgsmål er: Kan jeg lave en formular, som indeholder måske 15 felter, der kan udfyldes med varenavne (med ID) og antal og i bunden have en "Træk fra" knap - forstået sådan, at når jeg skal udlevere varer fra mit lager, så kommer bestillingerne typisk på sedler med op til 15 forskellige varer.
Jeg vil gerne have et opslag i hvert felt, så brugeren skal vælge Varetype først (f.eks. sodavand), derefter navn på varen og herunder størrelse (25 cl, 33 cl etc) og slutteligt antallet, der skal ud. Og så en afsluttende knap i bunden.
Answer is yes, but I think you need to be a bit more specific in what you need help with.
First of all your tables/fields and table relationships need to be in order, and if they are then I'd suggest you go ahead and try, and if you need help then place a question.
Den indeholder varer, som består af følgende felter:
ID, Type (sodavand, øl, etc), navn, strørrelse, beholdning, startbeholdning
Jeg ønsker en måde, at kunne maipulere beholdningen, således at jeg ved vareudlevering, kan kalde en formular og her vælge (gerne i en dropdown) først type, så navn+størrelse og til sidst antal. Formularen skal så ved afslutning (tryk en tast/knap) opdatere databasen Tuborg med de nu mindre beholdninger.
Hej Brian? OK, so you have only one table with various products.
What I would suggest is that you also have a table (order) or maybe even tables (order lines) which you use to store information on what is going out of your "lager".
So you enter that information about the order and the products in the order. Then when you press a button you will need some code (VBA) which runs through the order lines (products) and deducts them from your lager.
Ok, så du tænker at jeg opretter en Ordre-tabel, hvor jeg beder om opslag i Lager tabel (Type, Navn, Str) of tilføjer antal_udleveret. Måske også et felt til hvem, der modtager denne ordre.
Du nævner ordre_linjer i stedet - det er lidt mere specifikt, men måske meget godt, til optælling bagefter.
Det vil dog betyde, at min form skal danne en post for hver ordrelinje?
Jeg prøver at forstå det bagved liggende - og hvis jeg ikke er helt tabt endnu, så er det delt op, så jeg danner en lager tabel med oprindeligt lager, en ordre_linje tabel med de ordrer der kommer ind - og slutteligt en beholdning, baseret på lager minus ordre? Er det nogenlunde korrekt forstået?
Having order/order lines tables is just an idea, you may not have the need for these, but you do need some way of storing information of the products you want to deduct from your lager, even if its just temporary.
Normally you would have one or more tables which contain "lager transactions" products going in and products going out. Your order/order line tables would be those going out, and you could also have a table of products you receive to add to you lager.
You have your products table (Tuborg) in this case which contains all of the various products you have, and it also contains the number (beholdning) and also a , startbeholdning if you need that.
Then when you have products going in or out they are in separate tables which get deducted/added to Tuborg when you accept the transaction by pressing a button.
Jeg vil jo sikkert modtage flere varer i løbet af dagene, festivalen løber.
Men jeg kan ikke helt komme fra ideen til databasen. Det skal jo bare være simpelt.
Hovedmenu med 5 knapper:
Se varebeholdning (lavet via en rapport) Indtast varer (Formular - bruges inden festival starter til at populere databasen) Print varebeholdning (printer den nuværende lagerbeholdning) Udlever varer (formular, som opretter en ordre og trækker ordrens indhold ud af varelageret) Indsæt varer (formular, som bruges til at tilføje flere varer under festivalen)
Well we used to have an excel sheet, but I thought it would be great to use access instead, as there are some fast and easy ways to show the inventory and print reports etc.
The Excel sheet got large and wasnt that well made, so everything became manually written in it. I would like the system to do the math (maybe eliminate some errors from the math-not-so-savvy users).
And yes - its 5-6 days a year, but I really would love for us to have a nice interface to work with.
Jeg vil som sagt bare gerne prøve at have det kørende i access. Brugerfladen er lettere for brugerne (de er fra 40 til 65 år) og det kan udvides til at omfatte alt, hvad jeg skal bruge af statistikker efterfølgende.
The idea I've suggested I thin would be a good start and also quite simple to make, and if its going to be used in the future too then certainly worth spend the time on making it.
The is an example database (template) you should be able to create which might give you further ideas. You can find it if you open Access (not an existing Access dB). You should be able to see different templates you can use to create a new database. Its called "Product Inventory"
You could take a look and see what you think. Probably a bit over kill but might give you some ideas for the future...
I havent gotten time to take a deeper look at it. I hope I will get there tonight.
I really do like you previous idea with orderlines - making it simpler to see, where stuff went from the inventory. Also the udlevering kunne laves, så der bare vælges en vare ad gangen og trykkes "Ud", indtil bestillingssedlen/ordren er løbet igennem.
Yeah I was thinking of that - but last time I started building that way I ended up with 10 tables with loads of relations... I wanted to keep it simple... hmmmm
I have also made a field for size... that might be stupid aswell... could just type it in the name like: "Grøn Tuborg 33cl", "Coca-Cola 150cl" etc
"Yeah I was thinking of that - but last time I started building that way I ended up with 10 tables with loads of relations... I wanted to keep it simple... hmmmm"
"I have also made a field for size" Well I was just writing a comment saying you could do that but maybe though, it could be a bit overkill. BUT... in the end its up to you ;-)
10 tables isnt many, I've worked with databases with 100's of tables...
Getting the design right from the start will make things easier later believe me.
Just had a very quick look and it doesn't look bad at all ;-) You already have the possibility for vare flow going out (bestilling + BestillingsDetalje)
Why dont you use this?
You'll need a form for making "Bestillinger" which will require some code to "Manipulere data.." as requested in your original question. But if you can make a form so you can make a "Bestilling" then we can help with the code later.
Oh, just saw a problem! The Bestilling table seems OK but BestillingsDetalje I think needs some changes, unless there us a reason why it is as it is?
BestillingsDetalje.Bestillingsnr should be the relationship to Bestilling, and maybe call it BestillingID
The form I need to create to be able to type in orders, would have to do several things if I understand correctly.
First it should do a date/time automatically. Next we need to select the Bar, the order is going our to. Then the item, which requires a lookup in the existing varelager. Then the quantity needed.
Lastly I have to add the "do it" button, which executes some code to make the order change the value in the tables selected.
In your requirement you would need to see when making an order (Bestilling) it has to be attached (made to) a specific medarbejder. This tells me that you need a relationship to table Medarbejder, which you have. But in the text above (#36) you say it has to go to a Bar but there is no relationship to BarNavn!
And this is probably why your getting confused, I am too ;-)
So you have to first ensure that the Table design fulfils your requirements and if not make changes until it does.
IE. Is a Bestilling going to a bar or a medarbejder, or maybe even both. Because you could say that a bestilling is going to Bar2 and it was made out to Brian Petersen (Onkel B)
Now if the order was made out to a medarbejder, does that medarbejder only have one arbejdsområde, which seems to be the case in your table design. Just a suggestion, I would change name of table from Barnavn to arbejdsomraad or something like that. If they always had the same work place then I would say its OK to have Medarbejder as a relationship in Bestilling, but if they could change work area then I would have another relationship in Bestilling to Arbejdsomraad (Barnavn). Then you can ask yourself if its necessary to have an Arbejdsområde relationship in the Medarbejder table. This could be their primary work area, so its to have one here too.
Not sure I understand the purpose of Salgsted, it seems its just additional information to Arbejdsomraad (Barnavn).
Just noticed that there is a field (Salgssted) in the Bestilling table, which confuses me even more.
Should it not be Arbejdsomraad (Barnavn)?
Looking at the text in field Placering in the table Salgsted it seems Salgssted is a group of arbejdsomraader (Bar1 and bar2 in storteltet) for example.
So, is a bestilling going to a arbejdsomraader or a salgssted?
Now you could say that if there was a relationship between arbejdsomraader and Salgssted you would know which Salgsted received the bestilling if the bestilling was made out to an arbejdsomraader.
On the other hand, if you made a bestilling to a salgssted you would not know which arbejdsomraader received the bestilling.
I'm at work now, so I don't have Access here. I will try to enlighten you tho:
The initial database (version 1) got outta hand I think. The Medarbejder and Arbejdsområde really was not needed.
The important info is the Varelager, with varenavn, varetype, varestørrelse (could be in the name), varebeholdning, varestartbeholdning (to be able to calculate, if we need more of that item/running low).
Then there are the Bestillinger, which would contain orderinfo: varenavn, vareantal, barnavn (who ordered it), dato (when was the order placed).
Somehow that is all the info, that is really needed I think. You have to imagine a person coming over to our depot with a piece of paper containing the stuff, that is needed for a bar and then carrying it away a minute later. It's all very low tech and just needs to be able to handle the current status of all our wares. :)
VareLager: VareID VareNavn (including størrelse) VareTypeID (Relation to Varetype.VaretypeID)
EG: Cola 33cl Cola 50cl
Varebeholdning (recalculated each time products go in and out)
Not sure why you need varestartbeholdning. You say (to be able to calculate, if we need more of that item/running low), but if varebeholdning is also startbehlodning and you add/subtract from that when you make a bestilling or receive new stock.
Bestilling: (would need to contain information specific for a single bestilling) BestillingID MedarbID (relationship to Medarbejder.MedarbejderID) ArbejdsomraadID (relationship to primary key in table containing bar information) Dato
Then BestillingDetaljer (products in bestilling) ID BestillingID (relation Bestilling.ID) VareID (Realation to VareLager.VareID) Antal
I am a bit confused. Do you mean I should make a table for the VareType?
The "arbejdsomraade" was actually to determine where the "medarbejder" was working and totally not needed. The "salgssted" has been renamed Barnavn - all wares go to a bar anyway.
So here we are...
I have 3 tables at the moment.
Varelager Bestilling BestillingDetaljer
Varelager will contain info on the inventory, while Bestilling will hold all orders, which are made up by BestillingDetalje? Right?
So my Bestilling needs a form, that prompts the user for what wares and quantity and where are they going.
The thing I am uncertain about is how I actually make the form do anything but add things to the already existing table...
I have added the version2 to the google folder, if you mind giving it a look?
In varelager I mentioned the field> VareNavn (including størrelse) so they would be like this: Cola 33cl Cola 50cl
Does that clarify things?
If you get the tables made and then use the form wizard for Bestilling, it should make a main form with a sub form. Main form contains Bistilling information and sub form BestillingDetalje.
" ... am uncertain about is how I actually make the form do anything but add things to the already existing table..."
Once you can create Bestillinger with BestillingDetalje we can look at the code to subtract from Varelager. But we need to get Bistilling working first ;-)
Once we have bestilling working what would be best, to subtract each BestillingDetalje from Varelager antal when it gets entered, or when all BestillingDetalje have been entered?
Also, is it possible to delete or alter BestillingDetalje after they have been added? That would require further code to adjust Varelager antal accordingly.
Yeah, the size is a part of the names in Varelager. The type however is not. Its beer, soda, liquer etc.
The bestilling should be locked after its been typed in... if someone screws the bestilling up, I will manually alter the table values. Im there the whole time anyway. :)
I will try the wiz on Bestilling and see what explodes!
Add the tables to the Relationships window and make the relationship's between the fields. This is necessary for the form Wizard to make form/sub forms.
Also, in Bestilling you can give the Dato field a default value. In design view there is a parameter "Default Value" set that to Now() So when you add a new bestilling it automatically gets the data and time the record is made.
Yeah I see the idea now... Bestilling will be a Mainform, with bestillingdetalje as subforms ... so there can be several of the bestillingdetaljer underneath the main form?
Now, for some magic here... the VareID in the sub form... how does one change that into a 2 step selection box? So I can choose type, then varenavn and lastly antal?
(I am so buying you a beer if we ever run into eachother!)
In design view for the bestilling form you need to go into the properties for the sub form to add some code.
click the top left "button of the sub form then right click on the mouse and choose form properties.
Now you should have the properties window open. Choose the event Tab and go down to AFTER INSERT. Now click the three small ... and choose "Code Builder"
When you do that you should have a coule of lines of cod like this
"how does one change that into a 2 step selection box?"
Oh I forgot to mention that in my comments.
In table design for BestillingDetaljer you need to change the Data Type to "Lookup Wizard", its at the bottom. Now follow the wizard. You should end up with a drop down when the table is open for entering data.
Now I think its easiest to delete th etwo forms you made and make them again, so that the Vare field is a drop down.
I think I missed something here... in the table BestillingDetalje I have:
ID BestillingID VareID Antal
I need VareNavn instead - or do I just link the VareID to the Varer.VareID and get the name that way? And that is thru the Wiz I make a lookup... I will try
In table design for BestillingDetaljer you need to change the Data Type to "Lookup Wizard", its at the bottom. Now follow the wizard. You should end up with a drop down when the table is open for entering data.
I seem to get the Type as the number it has (TypeID) instead of the name... getting a tad tired here aswell... I will send you a mail.
Thanks for the help so far.
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