How to create a maven project of type wsdl?
Hello Guys!We have a history of mistakes when developing web service client and server side. We used to send the wsdl-files through email a lot during the development phase often ending up with confusion of which version is the latest.
Since we are a pretty big company we now a days got a internal maven-repo of our own where we are supposed to publish such things as wsdl.
Now it is our (my team) to create a new web service and of course we would like to expose our wsdl in our repo.
We already have a couple of maven projects:
our-new-web-service-facade (serverside)
We do not want to expose the project our-new-interface-with-wsdl-and-generated-classes since this got classes that might not be relevant to the client (I have heard, I guess if the client is a DOT-net, we use Java)
So now I need to figure out how to automatically create a maven project that got dependcy to our-new-interface-with-wsdl-and-generated-classes but just extract the wsdl is like:
Do you guys got any experience of this approach?
Best regards