SELECT tabel_A.vejnavn, tabel_A.husnr, tabel_b.tlfnr, tabel_b.note FROM tabel_A, tabel_b WHERE (((tabel_b.tlfnr)<>[tabel_A]![tlfnr])) OR (((tabel_b.note)<>[tabel_A]![note]));
"Vil gerne sammenline de to tabler og kun få differancerne hvor tlfnr eller note er ændret. Eller hvor adressen ikke er i en ene af tabeller."
As far as I can see you cant do this in one SELECT, first you need to find records not existing in one table and then you need to find records not existing in the other table. Then you also need to find differences in data for the records which exist in both tables. You could make a query for each and then using a UNION query join them all together in one list. Something like this. SELECT tabelB.vejnavn, tabelB.husnr, "Missing from A" AS Comment FROM tabelA RIGHT JOIN tabelB ON (tabelA.husnr = tabelB.husnr) AND (tabelA.vejnavn = tabelB.vejnavn) WHERE (((tabelA.vejnavn) Is Null) AND ((tabelA.husnr) Is Null)) UNION SELECT tabelA.vejnavn, tabelA.husnr, "Missing from B" AS Comment FROM tabelA LEFT JOIN tabelB ON (tabelA.husnr = tabelB.husnr) AND (tabelA.vejnavn = tabelB.vejnavn) WHERE (((tabelB.vejnavn) Is Null) AND ((tabelB.husnr) Is Null)) UNION SELECT tabelA.vejnavn, tabelA.husnr, "Data Changed" AS Comment FROM tabelA INNER JOIN tabelB ON (tabelA.husnr = tabelB.husnr) AND (tabelA.vejnavn = tabelB.vejnavn) WHERE (((tabelA.tlfnr)<>[tabelB].[tlfnr])) OR (((tabelA.note)<>[tabelB].[note]))
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