Avatar billede Blueeyez Mester
01. maj 2016 - 19:02 Der er 6 kommentarer

brugergruppe navn baseret på antal indlæg

Nogle der har bud på nogle brugergruppe navne der er baseret på antal indlæg?
Avatar billede claes57 Ekspert
01. maj 2016 - 19:11 #1
behold navne - skift vil forvirre brugere. Men du kan da vise listen af grupper sorteret efter indlæg, og evt med et klik på link, så alfabetisk.
Avatar billede Blueeyez Mester
01. maj 2016 - 20:39 #2
#1 Det er ikke brugernes brugernavne der vil blive lavet om på, men der er jo brugergrupper som Administrator, Moderator, Medlem og Gæst... søger bare at gøre det lidt mere interessant ved at de ender i brugergrupper afhængig af antal indlæg..
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
02. maj 2016 - 00:59 #3
Altsaa en rangordning efter antal indlaeg?

Eksempel 1:

senior medlem
junior medlem

Eksempel 2:

Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
02. maj 2016 - 01:16 #4
Eksempel 2 lettere inspireret af denne klassiker:


The VMS Hierarchy

----            ------------------------

neophyte        - often attempts to login before turning
                  the terminal on.
                - gets username and password mixed up.
                - tries to find the "ANY" key.
                - attempts to execute source code files.
                - logs out by turning the terminal off.
                - has never heard of INFO-VAX or GAVRON.

beginner        - turns the terminal on but neglects to check
                  the online/offline status prior to attempting
                  a login.
                - uses EDIT (EDT) in line mode because he/she
                  hasn't heard of the Change command.
                - doesn't know how to get a hard copy of a directory.
                - often forgets to press the return key after
                  entering commands.
                - knows that the "ANY" key is really any key.
                - exceeded diskquota three days after subscribing
                  to INFO-VAX.

novice          - knows how to use DIR/OUT= to get a hardcopy of a
                - uses EDT in change mode.
                - accidently typed DEL *.*;* at least once.
                - occationally LINKs source files.
                - has heard of bitnet, PHONE and Email.
                - wonders why so many people use and like VMS.
                - puts LOGOUT in his login.com in case he forgets
                  to ever logout.
                - has been flammed to death by GAVRON on INFO-VAX.

user            - uses EVE and EDT but doesn't know how to use the
                  CUT/PASTE or SEARCH/SUBST functions.
                - knows how to define useful symbols in his login.com.
                - can edit, compile, link and run fortran programs.
                - knows how to send mail but only on the local host.
                - attempts (in vain) to PHONE the usernames SYSTEM and
                - is wondering how to move files from one account to
                - doesn't post to INFO-VAX out of fear of being flammed
                  by GAVRON.

knowlegable    - uses EVE and EDT with no trouble.
user            - uses line mode EDT for mass substitutions.
                - uses SEARCH to find fixed strings.
                - knows that SEND/FILE/VMS can be used to move files
                  between accounts.
                - uses REPLY/EDIT and SEND/EDIT in mail.
                - knows what IN% is for.
                - wonders if there is a way to combine C and fortran
                  source into a single program.
                - has seen the DBG> prompt but doesn't remember how
                  to get there.
                - knows how to use anonymous FTP.
                - knows how to define useful logical names.
                - posts to INFO-VAX when GAVRON is on vacation.

expert          - uses lexical functions in .com files regularly.
                - writes additions to EVE in TPU.
                - can make use of TELNET because he has accounts on
                  other systems.
                - has undying respect for GAVRON on info-vax.
                - writes C programs using EVE and compiles using CC.
                - thinks that human history started with >>>B DUA0:
                - uses reply/extract/edit in mail.
                - knows to use MAIL instead of PHONE to contact the
                  system administrators.
                - knows how to create logical name tables.

hacker          - writes an entire editor in TPU.
                - uses VERB to obtain and use undocumented qualifiers
                  of DCL commands.
                - knows that UNIX is case sensitive.
                - knows how to create and install foreign commands.
                - writes C code with CREATE filename.c
                - knows at least 7 different interprocess communication
                - is annoyed by GAVRON on info-vax.
                - knows what the .com files in sys$update are for.
                - knows what DELTA and XDELTA are for.
                - can answer most questions about the system.

guru            - uses his own editor exclusively.
                - ports useful UNIX utilities to VMS regularly.
                - customizes utilities by patching the sources.
                - writes VAX Macro programs with CREATE filename.mar
                - ignores GAVRON on info-vax.
                - can answer most questions about the system correctly.
                - knows his way around the entire VMS documentation set
                  the way Norm knows his way around the bar in Cheers.
                - can code BLISS and MACRO as easily as C and fortran.
                - has acquired all the privs because the system manager
                  once gave him PFNMAP
                - reads "VAX/VMS Internals and Data Structures" to his
                - creates a bunch of subprocesses to do his basic
                  house keeping automatically.

wizard          - writes device drivers with CREATE filename.mar
                - uses PATCH filename.exe to fix bugs.
                - can answer any question before you ask.
                - intimidates GAVRON on info-vax.
                - creates a bunch of detached processes to handle his
                  routine chores automatically.
                - can create a detached process that uses the TWA/PYA
                  driver to simulate an interactive session that reads
                  and responds to Email at 6 a.m. making the boss think
                  he was really at work then.
                - has memorized the VMS micro-fische set for every
                  version since 2.5
                - knows Ken Olsen's office number.


Og hvis du ikke aner hvad 90% af det drejer sig om er du lovligt undskyldt hvis du er ung.

Den er 25 aar gammel.
Avatar billede Blueeyez Mester
02. maj 2016 - 07:09 #5
korrekt arne_v, men de skal være på dansk ;)
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
02. maj 2016 - 15:16 #6
Flere af de engelske udtryk er vost blevet en del af Danglish.

Men ellers:

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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