Avatar billede Sigma Pi Juniormester
30. april 2015 - 09:26 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Danish indie game developer urging for your input!

Hi guys,

We're a Danish indie game developer working tirelessly to create our very first game.
In our team we hit a discussion point, which has now led to kind of a hypothesis we would like to test.
Therefore we were hoping to be able to get as much input from the outside world as possible - and that means you!

We're creating a turn-based, tactical shooter with RPG-elements. It's being created upon the passion for tabletop roleplaying games.
Part of this means there will be dice rolls defining outcomes. And through this of course an element of randomness.
To specify, the fundamental game is built on the premises that an attack is made by rolling a d100 (a dice resulting in a number between 1 and 100), then adding the characters skill bonus to the given attack, and modified by conditional modifiers (positive as well as negative). If the result is above 100, the attack is a success. However, the target can also make an opposed defense roll, which works the same way. If the defender rolls the highest result, the attack will be avoided. If not, the attack will connect.

And here comes the issue - How willingly would you accept the fact, that part of the game is resolved with an element of random chance (modified by skill bonuses, conditional bonuses, etc.)?

a)    I accept it without hesitation, as I recognize it as a fundamental part of the tabletop gaming experience.
b)    I'm willing to accept it, if I'm presented with all data available (skill bonuses, conditional modifiers, etc.) to asses my chances, only having the dice roll as the unknown variable. (Kinda like Xcom: Enemy unknown)
c)    Same as "b", but I also want to have a combat log, that shows me the dice rolls and calculations as well.
d)    Same as "c", but I would want to have the dice roll displayed as part of the graphical user interface, and maybe even have the opportunity to "roll" the dice myself (by clicking the mouse a couple of times, tapping my device a couple of times, shaking my device, etc.)
e)    I cannot accept the fact, that a game is based more or less on random chance, as it skewers the tactical approach. I want the outcomes to be results of my careful planning, tactical sense and use of strategy (Like for instance Magic: The gathering, Hearthstone, etc.)

Please choose one of the above 5 statements, which fits your opinion the best. And feel free to submit a brief comment as well.

In this case, I can't grant points to "one useful answer" as all your input is valuable. I hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive me.
Avatar billede barefordi Nybegynder
30. april 2015 - 09:44 #1
Så danske udviklere der skriver på et dansk side på engelsk??? Hmm er det kun mig der kan se noget galt her?
Avatar billede sonalias Seniormester
30. april 2015 - 09:52 #2
#1, de har jo nok postet spørgeskemaet på andre foras, derfor er det på engelsk..
Jeg vil foretrække at se hvad der danner grundlag for hit/miss chance, men brugeren skal på ingenmåde selv rolle da "combat" bliver alt for langsommelig, imo.
Avatar billede Sigma Pi Juniormester
30. april 2015 - 11:46 #3
Det er mit indtryk, at IT-branchen og måske særligt spilbranchen har en god del personer, der alene kommunikerer på engelsk. Derfor var vores udgangspunkt, at lave indlæg på engelsk.
Og vi har taget os friheden at antage, at de fleste danskere, i dette felt vil kunne forstå beskeden på engelsk.
Avatar billede Sigma Pi Juniormester
06. maj 2015 - 14:41 #4
Sonalias - Smid et svar, så får du points ... Som den eneste bidragsyder til denne tråd ;)
Avatar billede sonalias Seniormester
07. maj 2015 - 12:52 #5
Ærgerligt du ikke fik andre svar... :) Held og lykke med projektet
Avatar billede Sigma Pi Juniormester
07. maj 2015 - 14:43 #6
Der var heldigvis andre fora, der var mere "behjælpelige"  ;)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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