exeSQL = "INSERT INTO tblReco ([srcLicenseplate],[srcEmail],[srcName1],[srcPhone], [srcDate],[srcExported])" & vbCrLf & _ "SELECT (TBLBR.[BIL_RENR]),(TBLKR.[KUN_EPOSTADRESS]),(LCase(TBLKR.[KUN_NAMN])),(TBLKR.[KUN_TEL2]),date(),'no'" & vbCrLf & _ "FROM [BILREG] AS TBLBR, [KUNREG] AS TBLKR" & vbCrLf & _ "WHERE TBLKR.[KUN_KUNR] = TBLBR.[BIL_KUNR] AND TBLBR.[BIL_RENR] LIKE '*" & txtLicenseplate.Value & "*'" DoCmd.RunSQL exeSQL
If IsNull(DLookup("[srcEmail]", "[tblReco]", "[srcLicenseplate] = txtLicenseplate")) Then prompt = "Det finns ingen e-postadress på " & Me.txtLicenseplate.Value & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Vill du registrera den ändå?"
If MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Me.Refresh Me.Requery exeSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblReco WHERE srcId = " & Me.srcID.Value & "" DoCmd.RunSQL exeSQL 'Else ' Me.txtLicenseplate = "" End If
I'd like to, but what part of the code needs changing? I can see this: 'Me.srcCustomerName = UCase(Left(Me.srcCustomerName, 1)) & Substring(Me.srcCustomerName, 1, 5)
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