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23. februar 2015 - 12:27 Der er 1 kommentar

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /customers/3/2/4/example.com/httpd.www/a/index.php:1) in /customers/3/2/4/example.com/httpd.www/a/popup-contactform.php on line 2

bom her jeg deaktiveret så det kan ikke være det.

hvordan ville i impletere denne kode i

index nu har jeg bare gjort sådan her

min form er øverst i index - jeg har gjort sådan fordi i har sagt at alt php skal ikke ved sammen med html eller sådan noget

hvad gør jeg galt? på forhånd tak :)


<!DOCTYPE html>
    Contact Form from HTML Form Guide
    This program is free software published under the
    terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
    See this page for more info:
//1. First, include the file popup-contactform.php

//2. link to the style file contact.css

<body onload="java script:fg_hideform('fg_formContainer','fg_backgroundpopup');">
This is an example page showing how to add the popup contact form to your website.
Click on the button below to open the popup.
<a href='java script:fg_popup_form("fg_formContainer","fg_form_InnerContainer","fg_backgroundpopup");'
><img border='0' src='contact-us-button.png' width='213' height='39' /></a>

//3. php include contactform-code.php at the end of the page



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24. februar 2015 - 10:21 #1

Session_start(); skal stå først

<?php session_start();?>
<?php include ('XXXXX.php');?>
<?php include ('YYYYYYY.php');?>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

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