Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
21. februar 2015 - 13:20 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning

indsætte kontaktform i mit index , kan ikke få den til at poppe

Har nu har jeg prøvet på forskellige leder og kanter det fint knappen kommer frem men den og der står noget med popup osv nede i bunden af browseren men den popper ikke op på siden, bliver nød til at kopirere hele kildeteksten ind for at få den til at virke men er det virklig sådan man gør det? der må der være en bedre løsning her min index file

det sådan ser lige meget hvor den kommer til at være jeg har bare brug for at forstå hvorfor den ikke tider poppe har prøvet i toppen i bunden i midten med require i bunden toppen osv osv.

her er det som skal ind i indexet




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sådan herser min side som jeg skal havde det ind på sådan set lige meget hvor bare jheg kan få den til at virke ..

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Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
21. februar 2015 - 14:26 #1
Jeg ændrede lige filen til .php i stedet for også nu kan den poppe med nu fik jeg følgende problem . jeg har placeret php koden i toppen af min index file men.

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /customers/3/2/4/minside.dk/httpd.www/a/kontakt.php:3) in /customers/3/2/4/minside.dk/httpd.www/a/include/fgcontactform.php on line 63   

noget med session ikke kan sendes hvad fanden er det for noget .
Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
21. februar 2015 - 14:37 #2
kan ikke finde noget omkring sessionstart der fejler

    Contact Form from HTML Form Guide

    This program is free software published under the
    terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

@copyright html-form-guide.com 2010

Interface to Captcha handler
class FG_CaptchaHandler
    function Validate() { return false;}
    function GetError(){ return '';}
FGContactForm is a general purpose contact form class
It supports Captcha, HTML Emails, sending emails
conditionally, File atachments and more.
class FGContactForm
    var $receipients;
    var $errors;
    var $error_message;
    var $name;
    var $email;
    var $message;
    var $from_address;
    var $form_random_key;
    var $conditional_field;
    var $arr_conditional_receipients;
    var $fileupload_fields;
    var $captcha_handler;

    var $mailer;

    function FGContactForm()
        $this->receipients = array();
        $this->errors = array();
        $this->form_random_key = 'HTgsjhartag';

        $this->mailer = new PHPMailer();
        $this->mailer->CharSet = 'utf-8';

    function EnableCaptcha($captcha_handler)
        $this->captcha_handler = $captcha_handler;

    function AddRecipient($email,$name="")

    function SetFromAddress($from)
        $this->from_address = $from;
    function SetFormRandomKey($key)
        $this->form_random_key = $key;
    function GetSpamTrapInputName()
        return 'sp'.md5('KHGdnbvsgst'.$this->GetKey());
    function SafeDisplay($value_name)
        return htmlentities($_POST[$value_name]);
    function GetFormIDInputName()
        $rand = md5('TygshRt'.$this->GetKey());

        $rand = substr($rand,0,20);
        return 'id'.$rand;

    function GetFormIDInputValue()
        return md5('jhgahTsajhg'.$this->GetKey());

    function SetConditionalField($field)
        $this->conditional_field = $field;
    function AddConditionalReceipent($value,$email)
        $this->arr_conditional_receipients[$value] =  $email;

    function AddFileUploadField($file_field_name,$accepted_types,$max_size)

        $this->fileupload_fields[] =

    function ProcessForm()
          return false;
            $this->error_message = implode('<br/>',$this->errors);
            return false;

        $ret = $this->SendFormSubmission();

        return $ret;

    function RedirectToURL($url)
        header("Location: $url");

    function GetErrorMessage()
        return $this->error_message;
    function GetSelfScript()
        return htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

    function GetName()
        return $this->name;
    function GetEmail()
        return $this->email;
    function GetMessage()
        return htmlentities($this->message,ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8");

/*--------  Private (Internal) Functions -------- */

    function SendFormSubmission()

        $this->mailer->CharSet = 'utf-8';
        $this->mailer->Subject = "Contact form submission from $this->name";

        $this->mailer->From = $this->GetFromAddress();

        $this->mailer->FromName = $this->name;


        $message = $this->ComposeFormtoEmail();

        $textMsg = trim(strip_tags(preg_replace('/<(head|title|style|script)[^>]*>.*?<\/\\1>/s','',$message)));
        $this->mailer->AltBody = @html_entity_decode($textMsg,ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8");


            $this->add_error("Failed sending email!");
            return false;

        return true;

    function CollectConditionalReceipients()
        if(count($this->arr_conditional_receipients)>0 &&
          !empty($this->conditional_field) &&
            foreach($this->arr_conditional_receipients as $condn => $rec)
                if(strcasecmp($condn,$_POST[$this->conditional_field])==0 &&

    Internal variables, that you donot want to appear in the email
    Add those variables in this array.
    function IsInternalVariable($varname)
        $arr_interanl_vars = array('scaptcha',
            return true;
        return false;

    function FormSubmissionToMail()
        foreach($_POST as $key=>$value)
                $value = htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8");
                $value = nl2br($value);
                $key = ucfirst($key);
                $ret_str .= "<div class='label'>$key :</div><div class='value'>$value </div>\n";
        foreach($this->fileupload_fields as $upload_field)
            $field_name = $upload_field["name"];
            $filename = basename($_FILES[$field_name]['name']);

            $ret_str .= "<div class='label'>File upload '$field_name' :</div><div class='value'>$filename </div>\n";
        return $ret_str;

    function ExtraInfoToMail()

        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $ret_str = "<div class='label'>IP address of the submitter:</div><div class='value'>$ip</div>\n";

        return $ret_str;

    function GetMailStyle()
        $retstr = "\n<style>".
        "body,.label,.value { font-family:Arial,Verdana; } ".
        ".label {font-weight:bold; margin-top:5px; font-size:1em; color:#333;} ".
        ".value {margin-bottom:15px;font-size:0.8em;padding-left:5px;} ".

        return $retstr;
    function GetHTMLHeaderPart()
        $retstr = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">'."\n".
                  '<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';
        $retstr .= $this->GetMailStyle();
        $retstr .= '</head><body>';
        return $retstr;
    function GetHTMLFooterPart()
        $retstr ='</body></html>';
        return $retstr ;
    function ComposeFormtoEmail()
        $header = $this->GetHTMLHeaderPart();
        $formsubmission = $this->FormSubmissionToMail();
        $extra_info = $this->ExtraInfoToMail();
        $footer = $this->GetHTMLFooterPart();

        $message = $header."Submission from 'contact us' form:<p>$formsubmission</p><hr/>$extra_info".$footer;

        return $message;

    function AttachFiles()
        foreach($this->fileupload_fields as $upld_field)
            $field_name = $upld_field["name"];
            $filename =basename($_FILES[$field_name]['name']);


    function GetFromAddress()
            return $this->from_address;

        $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

        $from ="nobody@$host";
        return $from;

    function Validate()
        $ret = true;
        //security validations
        if(empty($_POST[$this->GetFormIDInputName()]) ||
          $_POST[$this->GetFormIDInputName()] != $this->GetFormIDInputValue() )
            //The proper error is not given intentionally
            $this->add_error("Automated submission prevention: case 1 failed");
            $ret = false;

        //This is a hidden input field. Humans won't fill this field.
        if(!empty($_POST[$this->GetSpamTrapInputName()]) )
            //The proper error is not given intentionally
            $this->add_error("Automated submission prevention: case 2 failed");
            $ret = false;

        //name validations
            $this->add_error("Please provide your name");
            $ret = false;
            $this->add_error("Name is too big!");
            $ret = false;

        //email validations
            $this->add_error("Please provide your email address");
            $ret = false;
            $this->add_error("Email address is too big!");
            $ret = false;
            $this->add_error("Please provide a valid email address");
            $ret = false;

        //message validaions
            $this->add_error("Message is too big!");
            $ret = false;

        //captcha validaions
                $ret = false;
        //file upload validations
            $ret = false;
        return $ret;

    function ValidateFileType($field_name,$valid_filetypes)
        $info = pathinfo($_FILES[$field_name]['name']);
        $extn = $info['extension'];
        $extn = strtolower($extn);

        $arr_valid_filetypes= explode(',',$valid_filetypes);
            $this->add_error("Valid file types are: $valid_filetypes");
        return $ret;

    function ValidateFileSize($field_name,$max_size)
        $size_of_uploaded_file =
                $_FILES[$field_name]["size"]/1024;//size in KBs
        if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_size)
            $this->add_error("The file is too big. File size should be less than $max_size KB");
            return false;
        return true;

    function IsFileUploaded($field_name)
            return false;
            return false;
        return true;
    function ValidateFileUploads()
        foreach($this->fileupload_fields as $upld_field)
            $field_name = $upld_field["name"];

            $valid_filetypes = $upld_field["file_types"];

            if($_FILES[$field_name]["error"] != 0)
                $this->add_error("Error in file upload; Error code:".$_FILES[$field_name]["error"]);

            if(!empty($valid_filetypes) &&

            if(!empty($upld_field["maxsize"]) &&

        return $ret;

    function StripSlashes($str)
            $str = stripslashes($str);
        return $str;
    Sanitize() function removes any potential threat from the
    data submitted. Prevents email injections or any other hacker attempts.
    if $remove_nl is true, newline chracters are removed from the input.
    function Sanitize($str,$remove_nl=true)
        $str = $this->StripSlashes($str);

            $injections = array('/(\n+)/i',
            $str = preg_replace($injections,'',$str);

        return $str;

    /*Collects clean data from the $_POST array and keeps in internal variables.*/
    function CollectData()
        $this->name = $this->Sanitize($_POST['name']);
        $this->email = $this->Sanitize($_POST['email']);

        /*newline is OK in the message.*/
        $this->message = $this->StripSlashes($_POST['message']);

    function add_error($error)
    function validate_email($email)
        return eregi("^[_\.0-9a-zA-Z-]+@([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", $email);

    function GetKey()
        return $this->form_random_key.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];


Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
22. februar 2015 - 11:09 #3
Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
23. februar 2015 - 15:49 #4
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