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The Battle of Pirate Bay

Overview of selected English language articles on Danish and international copyright holders' legal battle against The Pirate Bay.

Swedish prosecutors close in on The Pirate Bay
January 28 2008:
Swedish prosecutors have until Thursday to file charges against The Pirate Bay.

Charges filed against the Pirate Bay four (Computer Sweden)
January 31 2008: Swedish prosecutor Håkan Roswall today filed charges against four people for involvement in running The Pirate Bay, one of the most widely used BitTorrent trackers for illegally distributed music, movies and software in the world.

The Court order to shut off access to The Pirate Bay
February 5 2008: Unofficial translation of the Danish court order by Henrik Spang-Hanssen, Danish Supreme Court attorney-at-law.

Danish ISP may fight order to fence in The Pirate Bay
February 6 2008: Danish Internet service provider Tele2 is considering fighting a court order to shut off its subscribers' access to The Pirate Bay.

Danish ISP prepares to fight Pirate Bay injunction
February 13 2008: Tele2 pledges to fight a court injunction to shut off access to The Pirate Bay, in what could be a ground breaking legal battle with the European music industry.

Danish telecom industry teams up against IFPI
February 14 2008: The Danish telecom industry is promising financial and legal support to Tele2's fight against a court order to shut down access to The Pirate Bay.

Other stories on The Pirate Bay in Danish and Swedish.

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